
luni, 22 august 2011

Psalmul Vietii

Nu-mi spune ca la teatrul jalnic
Ca viata nu-i decat un vis in van
Ca pentru suflet e doar toropeala,
Si lucrurile astea nu sunt ceea ce  par !

Viata ii reala!Viata ii eterna!
Si-n mormant  nu-i un sfarsit;
"Ca in pamant te vei intoarce",
Nu-i pentru suflet acest cuvant.

Nu-i bucurie , nu-i  nici tristete;
Sa teminam ,sa sfarsim calea;
Dar sa actionam, ca fiece maine
Sa ne gaseasca mai departe ca azi.

Calea-i lunga si timpul se duce
Si inima , desi vanjoasa si brava
Ca toba bate , inca rasunand
Marsul sumbru spre mormant

Pe al lumii camp de lupta
In  cortul vietii temporar
Nu fii ca turmele surde , manate!
Fii un erou in batalie!

Nu te-ncrede in Viitor ,oricat de luminos!
Si lasa Trecutul sa ingroape ce-i mort!
Traieste - traieste in Prezentul de azi!
Cu inima si cu Dumnezeu de Sus!

Vietile oamenilor mari ne aduc aminte
E in puterea noastra a face vietile mari,
Si , indepartandu-ne, a lasa in spate
Pe ale timpurilor nisipuri,  urme;

Urme de pasi ,pe care un altul,
Plutind pe valurile vietii,
Un frate ratacit si fara speranta
Vazandule, sa mearga mai departe.

Sa ne ridicam dar si cu fapta
Cu inima ,oricare ii urmarea
In impliniri , in asteptari
Sa invatam munca si rabdarea.

Tell me not in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou are, to dust thou returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each tomorrow
Find us farther than today.
Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave.
In the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
Be a hero in the strife!
Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act, – act in the living Present!
Heart within, and God o’erhead!
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sand of time;
Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.

A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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